Eiichiro Oda is him genuine name. The label name is Eiichiro Oda. In light of him origination, He is Japanese. The name of his old neighborhood is Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Let look over the underneath table.


Do you know about Eiichiro Oda age? You can think that it is here in the event that you have barely any familiarity with him birthday or origination and different realities connected with this. You might hear that his birthday is on 1-Jan-75. Him current age is 47 years of age. By born He is from Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

Famous people’s actual status is one of the main things for the fans. The excellence of physical details, their level, weight, eye tone has consistently followed the others. We likewise know this reality. The level of Eiichiro Oda is 1.83 m. He current weight is 86 kg. Weight is a consistently changable worth. You are going through the most recent worth of him weight now.

Do you be aware with whom He connected at this point? We will give a portion of his own life informations here which could be your place of curisity. we will give not many imperative informations like undertakings, mariatal status, spous, side interests and others inside a table here. Lets examine about his number one stuffs like tone, food, sports, spots and characters also. Let really look at the table beneath to be familiar with conjugal status and other data.

Do you are familiar Eiichiro Oda’s total assets? What measure of honorarium does He get? It is mentionable that total assets and compensation change over the long haul. We have given the most recent data about compensation and resources in the table beneath. A few debates about his are found which is likewise added beneath. The Total assets of Eiichiro Oda is $230 million.


That is about Eiichiro Oda’s age, level, weight and history. By every one of these data you can plainly be aware of this individual. Do you find anythig wrong in these? you can reach us through our remark structure. We are anticipating hearing from you.Instagram account.