Ace Hardware Rentals

Since its conception, the company grew rapidly due to the increased need for hardware equipment to service World War II. Studies have shown that the company managed to triple its sales between the 1940s and 1959. Richard Hesse, the founder and longtime president of Ace stores retired in the year 1973 when the company was sold to its retailers and the company eventually became a retailer-owned cooperative.  Ace hardware offers a wide range of services; from hardware tools to installation services. Here are some of the goods and services offered by Ace hardware stores.

Maintenance services of auto tools. Fuels and fluids and lubrication. Life jackets for marine activities. Hardware rentals.

In this article, we will discuss Ace hardware rentals in depth. We will look at their availability and their efficiency in the market.

Ace Hardware Rentals

Apart from selling hardware equipment to several buyers, Ace hardware cooperation also offers rentals. Those customers who cannot afford to fully purchase some of the goods offered by Ace hardware have the option of renting this equipment and acquiring some value from them. Although Ace Hardware stores are franchised and it is the choice of the owner to choose whether to offer rentals or not, almost every Ace hardware store offers tool and equipment rental services.  However, it is fundamentally important to check with your local Ace Hardware stores if they offer rental services or not.

Policies Governing Ace Hardware Tool and Equipment Rentals

The range of rentals available in Ace Hardware stores starts from the very basic home equipment such as axes to huge power tools such as excavators.  Every Ace Hardware store is free to state its charges per time but the basic policy is that the customer can choose from a rental time of four hours, forty-eight hours, or even a whole week. One can even rent equipment for a whole month.

Also, one can only be allowed to rent a tool after they have presented their Identification Card. Some stores even go-ahead to require the customer to present their credit card and other basic documents. This is generally meant to enhance trust and assurance that the goods hired will be returned. Therefore, it is advisable to enquire from your local Ace hardware store owner about some of the requirements for them to let you rent the tools you require.

Policies governing deposits and late returns normally vary from one store to another.  But for the stores we contacted, the majority of them charge a late fee of about 20% of the normal daily rental price. However, a general policy regarding the returning of the tools is that the equipment should be returned while clean and in a good condition. If the tool is returned dirty, a cleaning fee will be legible to the customer which is about $20 or even more depending on the size of the tool.

Some of Ace Hardware Rental Tools

Well, it is undoubtedly true that tools availability, as well as cost, varies from one store to another, there are very common tools that are generally available in almost every Ace Hardware store. Below are some of the most common rental equipment that is found in Ace hardware stores. This information is based on the Ace hardware stores in Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, ad South Carolina. These locations appear to have a large number of Ace hardware stores that offers a wide range of tools and equipment for rent.

Bosch Demolition Hammer

It is a hand tool that can be used at home. Many Ace Hardware stores offer this tool for rent at affordable prices.  A customer can choose to pay $35 to hire this tool for four hours, $50 to hire it for a day, or $200 to hire it for a week. One can also rent this tool for a whole month depending on the agreement between the customer and the store owner.

Right Angle Plumbers Drill

This is a hand tool that is mainly used by plumbers to drill holes. Almost every Ace hardware store offers this tool for rent. One can rent the tool for four hours for $12. One can also choose to rent this tool for a whole day for $20. On the other hand, its weekly rental cost is about $60. 


In conclusion, Ace Hardware rentals are generally available to everybody in the United States of America since Ace hardware stores are available everywhere. The stores offer quite a good range of tools starting from handheld tools to huge ones at affordable prices. Take, for example, the Bosch demotion hammer can be rented at $50 for a whole day. This means that one can get value from this tool even if one cannot purchase it.