More points land you at Council level 30, where you could be hand-picked by Assassin’s Creed Studios to join what they’re calling the “Council Chamber” for “several months.”

It’s a great chance to communicate with other Assassin’s Creed fans, give the game producers feedback, and receive exclusive content in return.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the site so far:

If you haven’t already, you must register for a UPlay account, otherwise you can just Login with your UPlay information and immediately get access.

The front page shows posts like this one, from the studio and from fans. This is where users will submit their content and see exclusive content like information on the Lore, Behind-the-Scenes content, Teasers, and Looks at MoCap Content. The Up and Down arrows on top of the post are for the voting system, and more votes UP earn you more points to level up and earn badges, getting you closer to Level 30 and the Council Chamber.


The level system is pretty standard with point increments placing you in certain levels, and then badges are for performing certain acts like joining, sharing content, logging on via mobile, posting content, and receiving a certain number of upvotes on one post to name a few.

To join and check out the site some more yourself, visit the AC Council here.