Abhigya Anand was born in the year 2006 in Karnataka, India. He is 14 years of age as in 2020. He right now lives in Madras, India alongside his folks. His mom’s name is Anu Anand and his dad’s name is Anand Ramasubramanian. He likewise has a more youthful sister and she is Abhideya Anand. Abhigya is great at studies, particularly in crystal gazing. He finished essential and auxiliary training from an administration school in Karnataka. Afterward, he finished his confirmation in Ayurvedic Microbiology from an obscure school. He has gotten such countless honors in an extremely brief timeframe. The honors incorporate Bhagavad Gita Award (2015), Child Prodigy Award (2016), Sloka Praveena Award (2016), and some more. He began his YouTube channel on 30 July 2012 with the assistance of his folks. His essential recordings are about the Bhagavad Gita and Venkatesha Suprabatham. His sister additionally used to show up in a portion of the recordings. His channel had under 35,000 endorsers toward the start of March 2020. Be that as it may, as one of his recordings became famous online, he began to acquire large number of endorsers each and every day. He as of now has more than 280,000 endorsers with north of 12 million absolute video sees. With the following 10 days, the channel is relied upon to hit the mark of 500,000 endorsers. Understand more: Gyanvatsal Swami Biography


Everything began 7 months back (August 2019), when Abhigya transferred a video on his channel about future expectations. The video was named, “Extreme DANGER TO THE WORLD FROM NOV 2019 TO APRIL 2019 – Abhigya in English and Hindi”. In the video, he expresses the infection/war will proceed till the finish of May 2020 and disappear later that time-frame. He likewise expressed that from 29 March to 1 April, the impact of this infection will be extremely high and individuals are to be exceptionally cautious. Initially, individuals who watched the video didn’t really accept that a solitary word the youthful stargazer has said and consequently ridiculed him in the video remark area. Yet, as time elapsed, each and every detail he said turned out to be valid.

This astounded many individuals including me as that large number of things ended up being valid. Individuals who ridiculed him are presently liking him for his splendid forecast. He as of late began distributing recordings about the pandemic and its remedies. In the recordings, he expressed that one should have confidence in god. It doesn’t make any difference which religion the individual has a place with. He should be cleanliness and keep up with his environmental elements clean. One should burn-through good food and should take food sources that contain Vitamin C. He exceptionally urged his watchers to take Tulasi leaves. He likewise recited not many mantras in the recordings and said that by reciting those mantras, the microorganisms can have an incredible impact. He said that most individuals should transform into veggie lover and should quit burning-through non-vegan food. Then, at that point, he expressed that the beginning of the infection was begun in China as a Karma for devouring a wide range of creatures.