The information uncovered that upwards of 21,900 ladies were accounted for to have been assaulted in Pakistan from 2017 to 2021, Samaa television detailed.

This actually intended that around 12 ladies were assaulted the nation over day to day, or one lady like clockwork.

These, be that as it may, are accounted for cases and could be only a glimpse of something larger since cultural shame and feeling of dread toward retributive viciousness keeps ladies from detailing cases.

The information showed that in 2017, about 3,327 instances of assault were accounted for. This leaped to 4,456 cases in 2018, 4,573 out of 2019, plunged to 4,478 of every 2020 preceding ascending to 5,169 out of 2021.

In 2022, the media announced 305 assault cases the nation over. Upwards of 57 cases were accounted for in May, June (91), July (86) and August (71).

According to media reports, in Punjab, around 350 assault cases were accounted for from May to August this year, yet no information was accessible for the initial four months of 2022, Samaa television detailed.

During this period, upwards of 1,301 instances of sexual savagery against ladies were heard in 44 courts of the country.

Additionally, the police documented charge sheets in 2,856 cases. However, just 4% of the cases went to preliminary.

— Samaa English (@SamaaEnglish) October 12, 2022

The conviction rate in assault cases during this period stayed a wretched 0.2 percent.

In 2020, the UN Advancement Program positioned Pakistan top among the 75 nations with an enemies of ladies predisposition in courts.