Matthias also has an incredible ability have keep many different channels updated, and keep all of the content to a high standard, and varied. From vlogs with his wife Amanda Faye on their “Matt & Amanda” channel, to gaming content on his “it’s whatever” channel, even challenge videos with his brother-in-law, Bryan, and brother, J-Fred, on the “TeamEdge” channel.

The “it’s whatever” channel has recently been featuring a lot of VR content, specifically with the HTC Vive. With GameSkinny being a gaming focused site, I managed to find a time when Mathias wasn’t busy and asked a few questions about gaming, but VR gaming specifically.

GS: How long have you been interested in gaming? What types of games got you into gaming?

GS: What do you remember as being your go to game, and why was it?

GS: Before getting the HTC Vive did you have any previous VR experience? What hardware did you use, and what did you think of it?

GS: When did your interest in gaming turn to an interest in VR? Was it recently, or have you always wanted something like VR?

GS: Did you ever consider buying any VR headsets?

GS: What was the setup process like for the Vive? What was the hardest part or did it all just work?

GS: When you first used the Vive at home, what were your initial impressions?

GS: What do you think of it now, given that you have had some time to tweak it and improve the calibration?

GS: What is your favourite VR game to play? Is it because of the immersion, or just the gameplay?

GS: Where do you see VR gaming going? Do you think it’s just a fad, or is it here to stay?

GS: If you could describe your perfect VR game, what would it be?

GS: Can you describe your experiences with VR in 4 words?

A screenshot from Budget Cuts.

I’d like to once again thank Matthias for taking the time to answer my questions.

If you want to find Matthias’ VR content, there is a handy playlist with it all. But if you want to find some content which will just make you laugh, his main channel will fill that gap. You can also find him on Twitch, Instagram, and Twitter.