Some sweet new summons for Sora

In the trailer, some gameplay was showcased where you can witness Sora perform new summons in combat. The teacup summon was showcased in what looked a lot like Twilight Town. It seemed to scurry around the heartless, defeating them quickly. A train was summoned with Sora and the gang riding it while delivering a severe blow to a boss. A galleon summon was also shown appearing out of water and seemed to transport Sora away from the heartless while damaging them.

The last summon showcased in the gameplay trailer was a pegasus summon, which includes Sora in the back of a pegasus-drawn chariot unleashing serious damage on swarms of heartless.

Screenshot from Square Enix Conference

The Keyblade transforms now, changes abilities

Even better, Sora was shown using new abilties which transformed his keyblade. A part that had me squeal with joy was when he shape shifted the keyblade into dual-weilding pistols.

Now that was pretty awesome to see. Check these bad boys:

Screenshot from Square Enix Conference

From what Square Enix has shown in the gameplay trailer, it definitely looks like we’ll be seeing more long range combat. The swift movements shown in battle make the combat look effortless, clean and action packed.

Square said Kingdom Hearts 3 is still in development, but to stay tuned for more news to come. Looks like we’ll have to wait to try out Sora’s new moves, but by the looks of what we saw today, the wait will be worth it.