While this isn’t the only step to quit your current job, handing out a resignation letter will set a tone for the rest of the time at your current position. It will also determine the future course of the relationship that you will have with your current company once you quit the job. So, you must take all the necessary steps in writing a nicely polished solid resignation letter.

Steps Involved in Writing a Resignation Letter 

While resigning from your job, you must do it professionally, following all the procedures. The letter you submit must sit well with your former boss, who will be your future reference, and it should keep the option of coming back to the same company open. 

You needn’t write lengthy letters explaining every detail of why you are resigning. Instead, it would be best if you focus on keeping it simple while presenting all the necessary facts. Here’s a basic outline of the resignation letter. You don’t need to follow the same outline. You can adjust and modify it as per your company’s culture and the experience you have had over there. 

Get to the point- The sole purpose of writing the letter is to inform your employer about your resignation. So, it is best if you stick to the point and mention the position you are resigning from. You shouldn’t start your letter by stating the reasons why you are leaving. Remember to start the letter with the fact that you are quitting.  Last day at your work- Once you establish that you are moving out of the organization, it is time to mention the last day at your job, followed by intent as to why you are leaving your current role.  Show your gratitude- It is always a good idea to thank your current employer for the opportunity and the experience you have gained from your job. Despite having a challenging time with your boss, you need to mention at least one nice thing about them as you need them to provide a reference. In addition to this, mention any of your further requests.  Offer to assist in a smooth transition- End your letter by showing your willingness to assist in a smoother transition. But refrain from going into greater detail about how you will offer your assistance and avoid making promises that you can’t keep.   Contact details- Sign off by mentioning your contact details to make it easy for the company to contact you.  Review- Once you are done writing your letter, ensure that you proofread it before submitting it- nothing worse than submitting the last sample of your writing with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So, be attentive and pay attention to every detail you are sharing in your letter.   

Sample Resignation Letter Format

Here is a sample resignation letter format. You can adjust it as per your reason and requirements. 

Dear (Mr./Ms./Mrs. full name), 

I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my position as (Mention your Position). My last day at work will be two weeks from today (Mention your last day at work). 

(Mention the reason why you are quitting the job)

I am very grateful to have got the opportunity to work in this position with your company. The past (Mention the number of months or years you worked) have been excellent learning for me, and I have learned so much about (Mention two to three things you learned while working at the company). I will undoubtedly carry these forward throughout my career. 

I am willing to offer my assistance for a smoother transition. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do over the next two weeks. I hope to remain in touch and wish the company continued success. 


(Your Name)

(Contact Details)

Sample of Resignation Letter With Reasons

While it isn’t necessary to mention the reason for your departure in your resignation letter with reasons, you can go ahead with explaining the reason for your departure if you prefer to do so. There will be many reasons to quit your current job. All these reasons can be broadly categorized into five categories. Here are some sample paragraphs that describe common reasons to leave your current job. Here are the samples of resignation letter with reasons.

Resigning to pursue better opportunities

No matter how well your current job is going, if you receive a better offer, it is worth taking the risk of quitting your present job. However, you need to explain your intent of leaving without reflecting negatively on your current employer. Here are some of the reasons you can mention for quitting your job- better salary, dream job offer, going back to study, stunted growth in current job, etc. 

“I have accepted my dream job at a company, and I have decided to move forward. I request you to accept this letter as my formal resignation to my post.” 

Resigning due to personal(family) reasons 

Sometimes significant and sudden changes in your life always prompt you to quit your current job. These changes include- health issues, maternity leave, illness of a family member, marriage, pregnancy, relocating to another city, etc. 

“As you are aware, my daughter is suffering from a serious illness. This requires frequent hospital visits and constant attention. Due to this reason, I will not be able to devote my time to work and fulfill the commitments attached to my position until things get better.”

Resigning due to organizational changes 

As the business expands, it is natural for companies to make changes in the management structure. Often these changes are not so easy to accommodate. 

“While I believe that the recent changes in the management structure are necessary, I am not quite happy with the change in my position at the company. I feel that the new position hinders my growth in professional life. 

I am grateful for my association with the company and am willing to provide my assistance during my remaining period with the company.” 

Resigning from short term positions

At the start of your career, it is common to get into short-term positions to gain experience. However, once you receive better opportunities or have difficulty adjusting to the work climate, you have no other option but to quit. 

“I am writing this letter to inform you that I won’t be able to complete the temporary assignment as I have secured a permanent position at a company. The last day of my work will be (Mention last date of your work).

I am grateful for the opportunities and guidance I received during my brief time with the company.”


It is natural for you to quit your job after reaching your retirement age. Depending on your relationship with your current employer, you can convey about your retirement either by writing a letter or by having a conversation with them in person. 

“ I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be retiring from my post of (Mention your position at the company), on (Mention the date of your retirement).

I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the company and sincerely appreciate the support that I received in the past (Mention the number of months or years you worked). The positive work culture and the opportunities to learn new things have pushed me to wake up and come to work every day. 

While I am looking forward to having a happy retirement, I will miss being part of the company. I am happy to provide my assistance to ensure a smooth transition.”

Things to Avoid Mentioning in Your Letter

No work experience is perfect. It is bound to have its share of positives and negatives. Even though you had a tough time at your current job, it is always best to leave your current position on a positive note as you will need your employer’s reference. Here is a list of things that you should avoid including in your resignation letter with reasons. 

No matter how bad your experience was in your current job, a resignation letter is not an appropriate place to critique or complain about your co-worker or fellow employees. It would be best if you keep things positive even when you are feeling negative. As the letter you submit will be circulated to the organization, it is better to avoid criticizing your boss and the company’s products or services, especially when you need his reference.  Refrain yourself from speaking highly of your new opportunity. While it is good that you are moving to a better company, you shouldn’t use the resignation letter to boast about this.  Don’t let sarcasm reflect in your letter, and avoid mentioning a better paycheck as your reason to leave your current job. If you are leaving your job for a better salary, it is advisable for you to negotiate your salary with your current employer. However, you need to prepare yourself to leave if things don’t go as planned.

All in all, you need to keep your letter positive, keeping all the unsatisfying aspects of your job aside. 

How to Convey Your Concerns?

As you have decided to move on, conveying your concerns probably doesn’t make any difference. If not communicated properly, chances are high for your last days in the office to get even more difficult. 

However, if you believe that you must lay out your concerns before the concerned authorities; In that case, you can verbalize the problems you faced with a trusted individual from senior management or discuss your concerns with HR. 

While conveying your problems, be sure to do it objectively. Avoid getting carried away by your emotions. Instead, stick to sharing your problems and balancing out your comments with some positives. Schedule a time close to your departure to convey your concerns if your company doesn’t have an exit interview. 


The resignation letter with reasons you submit reinforces your future relationship with the company and its co-workers. It is always advisable to resign from your position gracefully and end it on a positive note. If written correctly, the letter will be a solid stepping stone for your professional career. 

title: “A Sample Of Resignation Letter With Reasons” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Scott Boehm”

A resignation letter should be very brief, straight to the point, and contain the reason for resigning and a notice of days or weeks before finally resigning. In the letter, the employee about to resign may also offer to train a replacement before leaving.

Components of a Resignation Letter

A resignation letter falls under the category of formal letters, and like all formal letters, resignation letters should possess the essential components of a letter. These can be seen below.

Writer’s addressDate Recipient’s address  Salutation Title of the letter Introduction Body Conclusion Complimentary CloseSignatureName of the writer

Samples of resignation letters

The following are samples of resignation letters with reasons for resigning.

Sample One – A retirement resignation letter


Steve Jones,

14 Main Street,



May 30, 2021.


Mr. Nada Dean,

Manager of Human Resource Department,

Blue Ivory Limited,

13 Lakeview Street,

New York.

Dear Mr. Dean,

A Resignation Letter

This is to bring to your notice that I shall be retiring on August 6, 2021.

Working with Blue Ivory Limited for the past ten (10) years has been nothing but a blessing for both my personal development and career growth. I sincerely enjoyed every minute I spent working here, the corporate culture was stimulating, and my gradual transition was rewarded with promotions. These and a lot more have made coming to work not a chore but a lifestyle for me.

My retirement has always been in the plan, and I look forward to enjoying it, but I will truly miss being a part of the family at Blue Ivory Limited. I hope that the relationship I have built with every one of my colleagues continues to grow even as I retire.

It will be a pleasure to assist the company in training a successor for my role, and if there is any way I can be of assistance now or in the future, please feel free to contact me. 

Yours Faithfully,


Steve Jones.

Sample Two – A resignation letter due to family issues


Margaret Derby-Dolan,

154 Rodeo Drive,

Beverly Hills,



August 16, 2021.


Mrs. Bethy Johnson,

Think It Incorporation,

555 Nashville,

Los Angeles.

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

A Resignation Letter

I hereby write to inform you that I will be leaving Think It Incorporation. Having worked in the capacity of Sales Manager for the past five (5) years, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control and pressing family matters requiring my full attention, I will be resigning from the company.  

I have enjoyed many privileges working here, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that my announcement may have caused. I will be available to mentor my replacement for the next two weeks. 

My journey in Think It Incorporation has been steady and very fruitful, and I have met some of the best minds ever. It has been a pleasure working here.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Yours Faithfully,


Margaret Derby-Dolan.

Sample Three – A resignation letter for change of jobs


Judith Ethan-Hunt,

154 Ashland Avenue,



May 6, 2021.


Dr. Dwayne Tyler, PhD

Dean of the College of Applied Health Sciences,

The University of Chicago,



Dear Dr. Tyler,

A Resignation Letter

I am writing to inform you that I will be resigning from my role as Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Microbiology, College of Applied Health Sciences, the University of Chicago, effective from the end of the fall semester, which will be December 10, 2021. 

Working here at the university has exposed me to a lot of researches and my line of expertise. The school helped me build a strong foundation and launch my professional career in the field of Clinical Microbiology, where I have found my true calling. 

I have been privileged to work with and under great minds and future pacesetters in the world of science and technology, and this truly humbles me. I am honored by the opportunities that have come my way during my stay at the university, one of which has paved the way for me as I will be beginning a new phase of my life as a fellow in the Subcommittee on Postgraduate Educational Programs (CPEP) Clinical Fellowship.

I greatly appreciate the support, care, and understanding I have received. I am always open to any assistance required of me by the department and the school as a whole.



Judith Ethan-Hunt.

Sample Four – A resignation letter due to personal and family reasons


Vanessa Parker,

56 Lincoln Drive,

New York.

January 13, 2020 


Mrs. Jane Thompson,

The Managing Director,

The Independent Bank,

657 Washington Drive,


Dear Mrs. Thompson,

A Resignation Letter

The purpose of this letter is to regretfully inform you that I will be leaving The Independent Bank in two weeks. This action is prompted by my desire to build my home since having given birth to my son last October. 

I do appreciate everyone at work as I have grown close to my colleagues. I will greatly miss the corporate culture, which embraces diversity and works towards making everyone involved in the bank’s affairs.

I will ensure a smooth transition by getting a suitable replacement for my role and mentoring that person if given the opportunity. I do apologize for any issues my resignation may cause.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to be in touch and would be available for any assistance if and when needed.

Yours Faithfully,


Vanessa Parker.

In conclusion, when writing a resignation letter, the letter’s tone must be polite so as not to burn bridges. Though challenging and sometimes written with a mix of emotions, your letter is advised to be written professionally.

title: “A Sample Of Resignation Letter With Reasons” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-13” author: “Rex Respess”

While this isn’t the only step to quit your current job, handing out a resignation letter will set a tone for the rest of the time at your current position. It will also determine the future course of the relationship that you will have with your current company once you quit the job. So, you must take all the necessary steps in writing a nicely polished solid resignation letter.

Steps Involved in Writing a Resignation Letter 

While resigning from your job, you must do it professionally, following all the procedures. The letter you submit must sit well with your former boss, who will be your future reference, and it should keep the option of coming back to the same company open. 

You needn’t write lengthy letters explaining every detail of why you are resigning. Instead, it would be best if you focus on keeping it simple while presenting all the necessary facts. Here’s a basic outline of the resignation letter. You don’t need to follow the same outline. You can adjust and modify it as per your company’s culture and the experience you have had over there. 

Get to the point- The sole purpose of writing the letter is to inform your employer about your resignation. So, it is best if you stick to the point and mention the position you are resigning from. You shouldn’t start your letter by stating the reasons why you are leaving. Remember to start the letter with the fact that you are quitting.  Last day at your work- Once you establish that you are moving out of the organization, it is time to mention the last day at your job, followed by intent as to why you are leaving your current role.  Show your gratitude- It is always a good idea to thank your current employer for the opportunity and the experience you have gained from your job. Despite having a challenging time with your boss, you need to mention at least one nice thing about them as you need them to provide a reference. In addition to this, mention any of your further requests.  Offer to assist in a smooth transition- End your letter by showing your willingness to assist in a smoother transition. But refrain from going into greater detail about how you will offer your assistance and avoid making promises that you can’t keep.   Contact details- Sign off by mentioning your contact details to make it easy for the company to contact you.  Review- Once you are done writing your letter, ensure that you proofread it before submitting it- nothing worse than submitting the last sample of your writing with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So, be attentive and pay attention to every detail you are sharing in your letter.   

Sample Resignation Letter Format

Here is a sample resignation letter format. You can adjust it as per your reason and requirements. 

Dear (Mr./Ms./Mrs. full name), 

I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my position as (Mention your Position). My last day at work will be two weeks from today (Mention your last day at work). 

(Mention the reason why you are quitting the job)

I am very grateful to have got the opportunity to work in this position with your company. The past (Mention the number of months or years you worked) have been excellent learning for me, and I have learned so much about (Mention two to three things you learned while working at the company). I will undoubtedly carry these forward throughout my career. 

I am willing to offer my assistance for a smoother transition. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do over the next two weeks. I hope to remain in touch and wish the company continued success. 


(Your Name)

(Contact Details)

Sample of Resignation Letter With Reasons

While it isn’t necessary to mention the reason for your departure in your resignation letter with reasons, you can go ahead with explaining the reason for your departure if you prefer to do so. There will be many reasons to quit your current job. All these reasons can be broadly categorized into five categories. Here are some sample paragraphs that describe common reasons to leave your current job. Here are the samples of resignation letter with reasons.

Resigning to pursue better opportunities

No matter how well your current job is going, if you receive a better offer, it is worth taking the risk of quitting your present job. However, you need to explain your intent of leaving without reflecting negatively on your current employer. Here are some of the reasons you can mention for quitting your job- better salary, dream job offer, going back to study, stunted growth in current job, etc. 

“I have accepted my dream job at a company, and I have decided to move forward. I request you to accept this letter as my formal resignation to my post.” 

Resigning due to personal(family) reasons 

Sometimes significant and sudden changes in your life always prompt you to quit your current job. These changes include- health issues, maternity leave, illness of a family member, marriage, pregnancy, relocating to another city, etc. 

“As you are aware, my daughter is suffering from a serious illness. This requires frequent hospital visits and constant attention. Due to this reason, I will not be able to devote my time to work and fulfill the commitments attached to my position until things get better.”

Resigning due to organizational changes 

As the business expands, it is natural for companies to make changes in the management structure. Often these changes are not so easy to accommodate. 

“While I believe that the recent changes in the management structure are necessary, I am not quite happy with the change in my position at the company. I feel that the new position hinders my growth in professional life. 

I am grateful for my association with the company and am willing to provide my assistance during my remaining period with the company.” 

Resigning from short term positions

At the start of your career, it is common to get into short-term positions to gain experience. However, once you receive better opportunities or have difficulty adjusting to the work climate, you have no other option but to quit. 

“I am writing this letter to inform you that I won’t be able to complete the temporary assignment as I have secured a permanent position at a company. The last day of my work will be (Mention last date of your work).

I am grateful for the opportunities and guidance I received during my brief time with the company.”


It is natural for you to quit your job after reaching your retirement age. Depending on your relationship with your current employer, you can convey about your retirement either by writing a letter or by having a conversation with them in person. 

“ I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be retiring from my post of (Mention your position at the company), on (Mention the date of your retirement).

I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the company and sincerely appreciate the support that I received in the past (Mention the number of months or years you worked). The positive work culture and the opportunities to learn new things have pushed me to wake up and come to work every day. 

While I am looking forward to having a happy retirement, I will miss being part of the company. I am happy to provide my assistance to ensure a smooth transition.”

Things to Avoid Mentioning in Your Letter

No work experience is perfect. It is bound to have its share of positives and negatives. Even though you had a tough time at your current job, it is always best to leave your current position on a positive note as you will need your employer’s reference. Here is a list of things that you should avoid including in your resignation letter with reasons. 

No matter how bad your experience was in your current job, a resignation letter is not an appropriate place to critique or complain about your co-worker or fellow employees. It would be best if you keep things positive even when you are feeling negative. As the letter you submit will be circulated to the organization, it is better to avoid criticizing your boss and the company’s products or services, especially when you need his reference.  Refrain yourself from speaking highly of your new opportunity. While it is good that you are moving to a better company, you shouldn’t use the resignation letter to boast about this.  Don’t let sarcasm reflect in your letter, and avoid mentioning a better paycheck as your reason to leave your current job. If you are leaving your job for a better salary, it is advisable for you to negotiate your salary with your current employer. However, you need to prepare yourself to leave if things don’t go as planned.

All in all, you need to keep your letter positive, keeping all the unsatisfying aspects of your job aside. 

How to Convey Your Concerns?

As you have decided to move on, conveying your concerns probably doesn’t make any difference. If not communicated properly, chances are high for your last days in the office to get even more difficult. 

However, if you believe that you must lay out your concerns before the concerned authorities; In that case, you can verbalize the problems you faced with a trusted individual from senior management or discuss your concerns with HR. 

While conveying your problems, be sure to do it objectively. Avoid getting carried away by your emotions. Instead, stick to sharing your problems and balancing out your comments with some positives. Schedule a time close to your departure to convey your concerns if your company doesn’t have an exit interview. 


The resignation letter with reasons you submit reinforces your future relationship with the company and its co-workers. It is always advisable to resign from your position gracefully and end it on a positive note. If written correctly, the letter will be a solid stepping stone for your professional career.