Our guide will provide you with the exact solution to the problem of how to save Herbalist in A Plague Tale: Requiem.

Obtain Exstinguis Mixture

The material Saltpetre for crafting Exstinguis is discovered by Lucas during Chapter 3, and the full crafting recipe is the following:

1 Sulphur. 1 Saltpetre.

You can obtain these materials from a chest inside a church in Chapter 3. Once you have them, open the sling crafting menu, and choose option “Exstinguis with the Sling”. One such recipe crafts two Exstinguis, which is exactly enough for this mission.

This mixture is necessary to knock out the lights that keeps rats from attacking. So once you’re outside the church, wait for the guards with torches appear with the Herbalist.

Save the Herbalist

You will see the two guards leading Herbalist out of the building across the church. You need to use “Exstinguis With the Sling” on the guards’ torches, but it should be done in the following order:

Exstinguis the torch of the guard who stands to the right of Herbalist. Watch him get eaten by the rats. Wait for the other guard becoming alert and move away from Herbalist. Exstinguis the torch of the other guard who has been standing to the left of Herbalist. Watch this guard get eaten by the rats, too.

Once both guards get eaten, the Herbalist will be free. However, don’t expect any gratitude or rewards. This action will simply complete the mission.

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That’s everything you need to know on how to save Herbalist in A Plague Tale: Requiem. For more A Plague Tale: Requiem tips and tricks articles, please visit our dedicated hub page.