As anyone who has lost a phone knows, some of our most personal and private information is stored on there – and losing it or having it stolen can wreak untold havoc with your life. 

A Normal Lost Phone is a timely release that puts you in a voyeuristic position as you discover someone’s misplaced device and go through its contents to work out who it belongs to – and finding out along the way what that person is really like.

Humans are naturally curious animals. Being able to infiltrate the life of a complete stranger and piece together their day-to-day life from their social media, texts, photos and applications is an intriguing and uncomfortable premise, which is surprisingly prescient in today’s society. 

Reminiscent of Her Story, but eschewing the crime focus for a more personal angle, A Normal Lost Phone could be a singularly unsettling experience. What would you do?

Are you interested in delving into A Normal Lost Phone? Let us know your thoughts and feelings in the comments!