They are not particularly content with their life and have two children. Dong-frantic ha’s endeavors place the family in extraordinary peril as the series goes on, which drives Eun-ju much more mad of her significant other. We have data about Park Dong-ha and Eun-endurance ju’s toward the finish of the main time of “A Model Family.” Spoilers follow.

Park Dong-ha: Is He Dead? No, in the principal time of “A Model Family,” Dong-ha didn’t die. He is a college collaborator teacher toward the beginning of the series. By endeavoring to get the post as a full-time teacher, he has squandered the money his family had carefully gathered for his child’s heart relocate methodology.

Despite the fact that Eun-ju is as yet uninformed about this, she pronounces her longing for a separation. Dong-ha happens upon a van one day returning that has two dead bodies and a gigantic amount of money inside.

Then, at that point, he conceals the money, cover the people in question, and leaves the vehicle. Notwithstanding, because of Dong-complete ha’s absence of involvement as a lawbreaker, he makes various blunders that carry the police and different hoodlums to his entryway.

The assets were shown to be the installment that the Yongsoo Ring should have sent the Sangseon Ring. Methamphetamine is conveyed by the previous association while it is brought into South Korea by the last option. The head of the Yongsoo Ring, Yong-soo, gives Ma Kwang-chul the errand of finding the assets subsequent to understanding the risk they are in.

Kwang-chul rapidly understands that the honest instructor has taken the cash. From the beginning, Kwang-chul wishes to kill Dong-ha, yet thusly alters his perspective. He realizes that Dong-ha, a family man with a wiped out kid, is the best medication donkey he could at any point find.

Is Eun-ju dead? No, Eun-ju doesn’t die either in “A Model Familyfirst “‘s season. She harbors serious disdain at her better half toward the start of the series, and toward the finish of the time, that feeling hasn’t exactly died down. We figure out that she was dating Han-cheol, a dead man in the vehicle who was likewise a police secret.

At the point when she figures out how Dong-ha managed the cash expected for their child, her animosity toward him further escalates. Additionally realizing how Dong-ha has been doing Kwang-chul, Eun-ju convinces the last option to permit her join her significant other as he conveys the assets.

By the episode’s decision, she discovers that she and her better half were being utilized as lure. Toward the finish of the time, Eun-ju accepts her family is secure. She will rapidly find that her family’s challenges are nowhere near settled.