Clayton Waters was first announced missing on September 16 after he neglected to appear for work.

As police started their examination, they discovered that his better half, Karen Waters, was additionally absent. As per CBS-19, specialists established that their nonappearance and absence of correspondence was “not deliberate” The Sheriff’s office let the station know that there was no sign of itinerary items.

On Saturday, the Trinity Area Sheriff’s Office declared that Clayton and Karen Waters had been seen as dead.

No reason for death has been delivered, and specialists didn’t unveil where their bodies were found.

As per a public statement, the Sheriff’s Office aarrested 34-year-old Jacob Patrick Chrones and his 35-year-old spouse, Esmerelda Aparicio-Rodriguez.

They have both been accused of two counts of homicide and two counts of messing with actual proof.

In the public statement, specialists say that Jacob Chrones is the child of Karen Waters. Clayton Waters was Chrones’ stepfather.

No rationale has been delivered in the killing. Individuals affirms that both Chrones and Aparicio-Rodriguez are being hung on $1.55 million bond.

They stay in guardianship and have not yet entered a supplication. Online court records don’t reflect lawyers approved to talk for their benefit.

— Eligio Del Awiizotl (@EligioAwiizotl) October 3, 2022