Dateline starts its 31st season with the homicide of Moriah “Mo” Wilson, a promising youthful cyclist who had as long as she can remember and vocation in front of her. Normally she was companions with different cyclists, as Colin Strickland. Strickland was involved with Kaitlin Armstrong, a yoga educator from Texas who had somewhat of an envious streak. Despite the fact that Wilson and Strickland were simply companions, they dated momentarily, yet that was antiquated history.

In any case, Armstrong just couldn’t relinquish her doubts about their fellowship. Did this drive her to kill? Where could Kaitlin Armstrong currently be? Dateline has replies.

Where could Kaitlin Armstrong currently be? Kaitlin Armstrong is as of now holding back to stand preliminary for the homicide of expert cyclist Mo Wilson. As per KXAN, whenever indicted, Armstrong faces as long as 99 years in the slammer. She was caught in Costa Rica on June 29, 2022, following a 43-day manhunt that closed at a lodging where Armstrong was concealing after she supposedly killed Wilson on May 11 in Austin, Texas.

ABC News detailed that the day after Wilson’s homicide, Armstrong was examined by police regarding reconnaissance film they had which showed her Jeep Great Cherokee beyond the house where Wilson was killed. They later delivered Armstrong on a detail. On May 13, she sold that equivalent Jeep and escaped the country.

Toward the beginning of June, examiners got a tip about Armstrong’s whereabouts that would lead them to Costa Rica. How did the subject of cross country manhunt get on a plane without location? It assists with utilizing an identification that doesn’t have a place with you. Brian Buckmire of Regulation and Wrongdoing Organization brought up to ABC News that assuming Armstrong took the visa, that is one more wrongdoing to add to the heap.

However, on the off chance that it was given to her, that individual turns into a frill. In a question and answer session about Armstrong’s capture, Delegate U.S. Marshall Brandon Filla uncovered she was utilizing a few names to sidestep catch: “It was found Armstrong utilized different pseudonym, under the nom de plume Beth Martin, Liz, and Ari Martin.”

As though this wasn’t sufficiently dubious, Armstrong radically changed her appearance. She trim and colored her hair and specialists accept she likewise found a nose line of work in view of the receipt for plastic medical procedure they tracked down in Armstrong’s possessions. In spite of this, policing captured her.

This is the very thing we are familiar the homicide of Moriah Wilson, whose demise stunned Austin’s cycling local area. This all started when Armstrong’s live-in beau, cyclist Colin Strickland, went to visit Wilson when she was in Austin for a cycling occasion. The New York Post said Strickland didn’t let Armstrong know where he was going on May 11 when he “escaped” to see Wilson. The previously mentioned video observation showed Armstrong pulling up to the loft where Wilson was remaining simple minutes after Wilson was dropped off by Strickland.

As announced by The Autonomous, Wilson’s companion got back to her condo around 10 p.m. to find “Wilson lying on the restroom floor shrouded in blood from various shot injuries.”

Said companion regulated CPR until officials showed up yet Wilson was articulated dead on the scene. Wilson’s loved ones were left stunned and crushed by her passing. Where could Colin Strickland currently be? KVU insightful correspondent Tony Plohetski tweeted an explanation from Strickland about Wilson’s homicide, nine days after her passing. “I’m faltering from lamenting Mo Wilson’s passing and from the realities that have arisen during the examination,” he said. “I can’t start to envision the aggravation felt by Mo’s family and her dear companions.”

He proceeded to guarantee everybody he would coordinate completely with police and repeated the stringently non-romantic nature of his relationship with Wilson.

Since Wilson’s homicide, different cycling supports have dropped Strickland, for example, “part brand Enve Composites, bike organization Concentrated, and attire brand Rapha,” per Outside magazine. United Cycle Works put out an announcement saying Strickland wouldn’t address them at future races. As of the hour of this composition, his Instagram account is set to private.

— Sonny Reed (@SonnyReed14) September 17, 2022